5   Pack Face Shields  $33  ($6.50 ea)

10 Pack Face Shields  $50 ($5.00 ea)

20 Pack Face Shields  $90 ($4.50 ea)

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Dual elastic band retainers for fast installation and removal.

Custom Made to Fit Snap On Loupe Lights

Eliminate glare and overheating by keeping your loupe light outside of your face shield. Snap On Shields are made with a punch-out pattern that allows so Snap On Loupe Lights to poke through the shield while maintaining a tight seal around the light.

Installing Your Face Shield

Fitting Your Light

5   Pack Face Shields  $33  ($6.50 ea)

10 Pack Face Shields  $50 ($5.00 ea)

20 Pack Face Shields  $90 ($4.50 ea)